First thing, make sure to avoid lined paper. Just avoid it, okay?
The face looks freaky. The nose is too high, together with the pointy chin and unaccented cheeks, it all just looks unreal, and realism is a real important thing when drawing, you know that? On the first look, it seemed that you tried to copy an oh-so-original Manga style. My recommendation is to avoid this, and get started with some serious anatomy.
You said that her arms are actually behind her, but even then, the arms should be bigger and longer, and please, don't just draw three fingers for the hands and call it a day - draw hands with shape. Her hair seems alright, but it looks kind of weird if the hair's in front of her arms. You may want to fix that.
The thighs is another point that is anatomically wrong. You could've made the thighs shorter around the knees, because that's just how realism works.
Don't get me wrong, but her breasts, which are in shape, are also too high. Wondering how apart from all the weird anatomy you only got the breasts right! :D
Try also to avoid text that's showing us what is what, because can clearly see it's a sword, but there's no belt. If there's no belt, and her hands are free, with what is she holding the sword? With her butt? Lol.
So, overall, the drawing seems pretty okay for a start. Go google some anatomy tutorials because there are a plenty of them on DeviantArt or any other site as well.
For YouTube tutorials, I would definitely recommend the almighty tutorials by Josiah "Jazza" Brooks. Search for user "drawwithjazza" on YouTube. I think his tutorials have everything you might need for drawing and stuff.